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13 Day Sinema Challenge Application Fee


8 in stock

SKU: SinemaChallenge01 Categories: ,


Please fill out the application above and after you submit, you can pay for your registration fee.

The Rules

  • Application Registration

  • Pay Application Fee to Secure Your Spot

  • ONE member of each team must be present at Kick-off September 10th, 2023

  • Team leader must be 18+ to enter

  • Must use at least one horror subgenres cards from a bin. (One can be returned or combined.)

  • Must use one Subject Card from a Bin.  (Cards Against Humanity subject cards)

  • No Pre-Screening Distribution

  • Must submit your Film on or before September 23rd, 2024 through FilmFreeway, Vimeo, or YouTube.

  • Cannot use Genre or Subject Card in the Credits.

  • Entrant must Submit a Certification Statement

  • Join the Networking Group: Facebook (Cast and Crew)

  • Do not use Creative Commons licenses that are either Non-Commercial or Sharealike as they are incompatible with our festival.

  • Film must be 5 – 8 mins (with credits)

  • Pre-film Required Slates In This Order

  • End credits must include the words: This film was made for the 2024 BAFF Sinema Challenge.

  • BE SAFE!


Kick-off Meeting

Come to the Kick-off meeting Pick 2 Horror SubGenre Cards (ie Vampires or Zombies). Pick 1 Card Against Humanity. Feel free to hang out, network, find team members, share ideas with your team or other filmmakers, have a few drinks and ask any questions you may have.

You have 13 days to make this movie starting at 7pm September 10th.

Date: September 10th, 2024
Time: 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm EST
Where: The Plaza Theatre (subject to change) 1049 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30306

Questions: [email protected]

Networking Group: Facebook (Cast and Crew)

Horror & SubGenres Card

The subject card can be a person place or thing and can be used in a variety of ways but must be noticeable. Whether it be a character, a prop, a location, or a line of dialogue. Cannot be used in credits.

Remember your adherence to the genre and use of subject are included in the judging criteria.

Have the right paperwork.

All creative work must be done during the official filmmaking period; however, you can get some of the tedious paperwork done ahead of time. And we’ve got all of the forms that you need.

  • Certification Statement The Entrant must submit a Certification Statement after his/her completed entry is uploaded on Vimeo , certifying adherence to all Official Rules.

  • Waiver and Release Forms It is recommended that you have your talent sign releases ahead of time – then you don’t have to worry with it during crunch time. Note: This form helps protect you and your group as well as the Buried Alive Film Festival.

  • Music Seek out local musicians, bands & composers that may be willing to let you use their work in your film because it creates additional exposure for their talents. Give them credit in the film in exchange for the use of their music. You may use music or materials that fall under the Creative Commons Attribution License ( Note: Please do not use Creative Commons licenses that are either Non-Commercial or Sharealike as they are incompatible with our festival.

  • Location Filming Permits Permits are not required for submission to the BAFF. Contact your local film commission in advance for information about filming in your area. There is nothing wrong with scouting and securing locations in advance.

Official Time Period

The only work that can be done before your team has received their Genre and Subject is organizing your cast and crew and securing equipment and locations.

During the official time period you are responsible for writing your script, costume/set design, makeup fx or fabrication, shooting, editing, sound design, and final digital output submission.


All footage must be shot within the Official Time Period of the project. Stock footage is only accepted for background images such as television, computer monitor or if used in a visual effect for an artistic purpose.

Also allowable is the use of stock chromakeyed backgrounds, fire, explosions, gunshots, etc. All stock footage must be obtained legally and you must have permission of use.


Please be Safe!! And keep repeating It’s Only a Movie! No shot in a 6 minute film is worth getting an actor hurt or damaging a location(without permission) or ruining your equipment. Safety First! Have a safety meeting and discuss with you cast and crew every day what all will be taking place. If attempting to do Makeup Fx on an actor with a professional or amateur artist please be safe and check for any allergies to materials used. If unsafe sets are reported we reserve the right to disqualify and screen your film.

Total Running Time

The finished film must be a minimum of 5 minutes in duration, and a maximum of 8 minutes in duration—including end credits. In other words, the official running time begins after the required BAFF Sinema Challenge slates and ends after the credits. End credits can be no longer than 30 seconds.


Pre-film Required Slates Before the finished film begins, the media should have:

  • Pre-film Required Slates In This Order
  • 5 seconds of black
  • A title card with: team name, title, genre, subject, and year.
  • The official BAFF Sinema Challenge title card -OR- a title card with: This film was made for the BAFF Sinema Challenge
  • 2 seconds of black Then your film.

Opening Credits

After the 2 seconds of black, some films start with opening credits. These are not encouraged, but if you use them, opening credits are considered to be part of the film, and therefore count against the six minute maximum. If your film has opening credits other than simply the film’s title (for example, the names of directors, actors, etc.), you must include one of the following:

  • The text YOUR TEAM NAME presents immediately followed by a BAFF Sinema Challenge project or
  • The text a BAFF Sinema Challenge project immediately following the title of your film


End Credits

Credits at the end of each film are limited to a maximum of 30 seconds. The 30 seconds is considered included in the length of the film, as stated above.

The end credits must include the words: This film was made for the 2024 BAFF Sinema Challenge.


Slates And Credits After The Competition

For any future screenings, online or otherwise, films should retain the pre-film title card that says: This film was made for the 2024 BAFF Sinema Challenge

Required Media Formats

STEP 1: Please export you film to following specifications:

  • Video/Data Settings: Compression type H.264 Frame rate 23.97(preferred) 29.97fps, 24fps, 25fps, 30fps are acceptable, Key frames AUTO Quality BEST (in Adobe Premiere, Render at maximum depth) Data-rate RESTRICT TO 50mbps (in Adobe Premiere, VBR 2Pass) Dimensions CURRENT (final projection will be 1920x1080p)

  • Sound Settings: Format: LINEAR PCM or AAC Channels STEREO (L,R) Sample Rate 48K Quality BEST 320kbps


STEP 2: Upload your film with the passcode on FilmFreeway.

We also accept deliveries via download-enabled Vimeo, Google Drive and WeTransfer and can be emailed to [email protected]!

DO NOT wait until the last minute to decide on how you’ll submit (account for internet speed and upload time!).

Entries are DUE BEFORE 11:59PM on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2024. Anything received after will NOT be used for exhibition, so please ensure the film is delivered to that inbox on time.

Submission Reminders

  • SOUND LEVELS: We recommend that you make sound levels relatively even throughout your film. (If your film has uneven sound or sound that peaks, it may be modified to protect the playback equipment.)

  • NOT TOO DARK: Be weary of making your film too dark. As projection specs my vary.

  • All films received on the evening of the deadline (on-time and late) will be screened, presuming they meet the eligibility requirements.

Production Documents

Each team leader must secure releases for talent, music, and locations (and any other applicable needed releases), if a BAFF staff member requests a release form and the project leader cannot produce said release. BAFF reserves the right to remove the film from the contest with no application refund and a revocation of all passes.


To be eligible for the Project, Entries must be the original work of the Entrant; must not infringe third-party’s rights; may not invade privacy or other rights of any person, company or entity; may not in any other way violate applicable laws and regulations; and may not contain any copyrighted elements (other than as owned by the Entrant and/or BAFF Sinema Challenge).

Entries containing prohibited or inappropriate content as determined by the BAFF staff, in its sole discretion, to be inappropriate will be disqualified. BAFF reserves the right to make the final determination as to which Entries are eligible. BAFF also reserves the right to refuse to screen a film or to make an announcement at the screening regarding the content of the film.

No Pre-Screening Distribution

The Entrant should not screen the film before the screening at the BAFF Cinema Challenge screening event. Not online or in a public space. You are encouraged to make a trailer and spread the word if you so wish to do so.

Entries Not Returned

No Entries (media or documents) will be returned.

Rights Reserved

The Buried Alive Film Festival and it’s parent company Rock with Siren, LLC reserves its rights to screen the film at the festival as well as any festival presentations, programs, advertisements and/or related events without notifying the team. However we will always do our best to make contact with the team if said situation should happen.

After the Festival

All films are welcome to be entered in other festivals as long as the Buried Alive Slates are in the End Credits of your Film with the website address. For any future screenings, online or otherwise, films should retain the pre-film title card that says: This film was made for the 2024 BAFF Sinema Challenge