Sponsorship Level 4


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This package offers high visibility with your logo featured on banners, screens, and the Gold Skull Carpet Wall. You’ll engage directly with attendees through a red carpet slot, video interview, and animated logos during film blocks. Plus, enjoy free passes, social media mentions, and exclusive promo opportunities for strong brand exposure.

  • Full-page ad in the program (printed and online) (Artwork Provided by Sponsor)
  • Commercial/trailer played before a film block of your choice  (Video Provided by Sponsor)
  • Logo on step and repeat with light-up logo on the 20’ Gold Skull Carpet Wall (Yours after the festival.)
  • 10-minute red carpet slot with staff photographer
  • Animated logo played at the start of their film block  (Artwork Provided by Sponsor)
  • Logo placement on banners, collateral, and theater screens
  • 15-minute video interview promoting your brand  (Scheduled During, Before, or After the Festival.)
  • Premium plaque awards with your logo
  • Mentions on social media and spotlight in the newsletter
  • Vertical video placement on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook for Stories and Reels
  • 200 promo items to put in swag bags for filmmakers, special guests, and celebrities.  (Provided by Sponsor)
  • Hand out free items to attendees  (Provided by Sponsor)
  • Logo on the festival website
  • Listed thank you in the program
  • Free passes to events, panels, workshops, and parties
  • (2) Exclusive sponsor t-shirt
  • Logo (Vector)
  • AD For our Program 
  • 5”w x 8h” Full Page AD
Sent Need By 10/23/2024      Send To: [email protected]
  • Animated Logo Video or GIF
  • Schedule an Interview with Yup That’s Scary (At The Theatre or online?)
  • Approved Branding Photography or Videos to Share on our Website and Social Media
  • Hashtags, marketing content, and what you want us to say. So we can make sure they are posted and linked.
  • Vertical video placement on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook for Stories and Reels .
  • 200 promotional items are needed for Swag Bags.
  • 2 Shirts Sizes